Monday, February 3, 2014

Headdresses Increase in Rarity

Hi guys! So, lately headdresses have been rapidly increasing in rarity!  To get my headdress back I had to trade a rare lightning cloud, a black top hat, a white mummy glove and a huge red rare lion plushie!  And all but one person declined i must have tried the same trade so many times... Anyway, I do have my headdress back! Yay! It's an orange one (my second favorite color headdress, first favorite being blue.)  I am hoping to see if anyone will be willing to swap headdresses.  Also, I really think you guys would really enjoy the game chicken smoothie (weird name i know). The first time i tried it, i was hooked.  If you already play you are welcome to trade me, my user FoxLover13 or, you could try out the game at Enjoy!
 ~ matisse1713