Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Top Hats

Hi guys! Today I will talk about Top hats!  It is a member beta that is worn on the head.  Jammers will trade things such as

Here is a picture of the different top hats.

The rarity order in my mind is:

  1. solid blue top hat
  2. red top hat
  3. black top hat
  4. tan top hat
  5. black and white top hat
  6. blue stripe top hat
  7. pink top hat
  8. pink and brown stripe top hat
If you would like a top hat, I have one on trade and you can send me a jam a gram! matisse1713


  1. Nah solid black are more beta then solid blue...

    and im not just saying that because it's the one i own.


    1. achley the tan one is the rarest

    2. wait... so a blue solid top hat is better than a black solid? I traded my blue solid, my tan top hat, many promo items, 5 good rares, skullys, and I added for my black solid top hat. So was my trade over?

  2. whats a solid blue top hat worth

  3. I have the brown and dark brown and pink for offers im nanamae300

  4. Are they worth rhino helmets? Cuz i traded my pink top hat away for a gray rhino.

  5. i think tan top h's are the best not cause i own one, cause my BFF who have 5 blue non rare headdresses and 3 or 4 light p headdresses

  6. i have tan top hat and i just got it for trading friendship top hat and stegosaurus tail. Did i rip off the person i traded?? Username: beaiscute

  7. i have black rare bows any offers? Im sunrise20

  8. I have a black top hat and a red top hat. Any offers? User: Coco41221

  9. I have a red top hat but nobody seems to be giving me particularly "big" offers for it. According to this really good blog, it is the 2nd rarest, however nobody seems to be treating it like it is. Any suggestions why??

  10. Anyone want to offer? I have a solid blue top hat! my username is mlpflutershy41, jag me if any offers!

  11. Anyone wanna trade for my black and red stripe top? My username is Burrowowl64 if you want to jag me an offer :)

  12. anyone want to trade a black tophat for my raindeer antlers

    1. and my user nam is catsareawesome152

  13. Cakey5555, a fellow jammer on aj here. If you have a pink top hat and are looking for a red one, jamagram me at the AJ username Cakey5555, thank you and have a good day.
