Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rare New Years Party Hats

Hi guys so sorry that i have not posted anything in forever! So I have a special Happy new year post, for rare new years party hats!  These awesome hats were the member gifts for January 2012.  After then they became a highly wanted rare and are not seen often on other jammers trade list.  They come in 8 colors, silver, pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple, green, and red (rarest to least rare.)
here they are:

These items are known to be worth a headdress, good den batas, good rares, maybe rasberry bow, two good color rare bows (such as 


  1. Is silver one most rare?

  2. Replies
    1. This was 2013 and items change value QUICKLY. These are worth a purple long or pink long. Headdresses are worth a black long.... So yeah read the date this was written.

    2. Umm actually party hats are way rarer then headdresses so yah XD

    3. Yeah, they are worth a good rare long. Don't let others fool you. They're worth A TON.

  3. mine got scale plz gift me my username : Jaminfreinds spell it exactly the same

  4. My purple party hat for a long yellow or orange collar.
    Jam a gram me if deal.
    My user is thenigwaggon

  5. i have a purple party hat and a few spikes my rare headdress was scale so im looking for one my party hat, a pink spike, a tophat, a viking hat, and 16 other betas for a rare headdress?? i am leafpool1254

  6. My yellow party hat and add for a blue one maybe?
