Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Forgotten Desert

Hello jammers! I'm back and have loads of new stuff to talk about! So first of all, there is an all new adventure on AJ, it's called The Forgotten Desert.  The Forgotten Desert is Jamaa's most recent Adventure added on May 15th, 2014, and the ninth Adventure made available to play. The goal of this adventure is find the missing shards of the crystals that the Phantoms have destroyed. There is a time limit of seventeen minutes on this adventure for one to two players, and fifteen minutes for three to four players. Once time is up, all shards and watering cans are removed from the adventure so you cannot cheat; however, treasure chests stay where they are. There are some really cool prizes that are all listed at the bottom of the post.
The goal of this adventure is to find shards hidden in the desert, there are five types.
  • Green: These are the easiest to find. They are simply lying on the ground and on the surface of water. You get three CP for each Green shard collected.
  • Yellow: These are hidden in the dust, but they sparkle every few seconds. You get five CP for each Yellow shard collected.
  • Blue: These are hidden in dried up oases that you must revive with a watering can. You get ten CP for each Blue shard collected.
  • White: These are hidden in cacti which you must sit on to retrieve the shard. You get seven CP for each White shard collected.
  • Purple: These are the hardest to find. You need four eagles to sit on special rocks that eventually lead you to a shard. Perching on five rocks gets one shard, so there are twenty-five rocks you and your teammates will need to perch on to get all five shards. You get thirty CP for each Purple shard collected.

Captureeagle place
The rocks on which 4 eagles must sit on to reveal a passage that will eventually lead to a purple shard.
An eagle sitting on a cactus to get a white shard.
A blue shard in a revived oasis.
Here is a video of the forgotten desert:

Once you have retrieved all of the same colored crystal you can open a chest. Each chest has a different item and all adventurers receive the same prize. Prizes include (sourced from http://animaljam.wikia.com ):


  1. i got a rare claw from this adventure once

  2. I got a pale pink headdress omg!!!

  3. i never get good stuff lol.... my rarest thing was spike -_-
