Rare bows and arrows are in high demand for all jammers (being that they are member and non member.) They also look great on any animal and are often worn by "clanners" and anyone who just wants to look good or rare. They are great for boys and girls and are worth some decent items. Rare bows and arrows were one of the Jamaaliday gifts for December 2012. Not yet sure if they will be a gift again this year.The rare raspberry bow is the rarest bow and worth a Pirate Sword (any color) or Worn Blanket (any color). However some jammers will not except this trade. These can be worth good BETAs, such as Yellow Sweets, Mira Statue, or Blue Shag Rug Carpet. It will decrease its rarity, since you can win Pirate Swords and Worn Blankets in Sky High and now also in the all new adventures beta. This is the rarity order ( from left to right ) :

I just got the raspberry bow for a white one I have two of
ReplyDelete*triumphant cackle*
I don't think they knew the difference between it and the pink one o.O
I got a raspberry bow any offers
ReplyDeleteSure, look at my profile: Queen278 and trade list I might not have added all of my rares though.
Deletei would like to offer for it if i can. i'm katie63912
DeleteI got an orange bow any offers? ~Thefoxsays2005
ReplyDeleteI got raspberry bow if anyone wants to offer im nanamae300
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGot a white for a pink :P
ReplyDeletei have a pink won watnt to trade XXgothicangelXX Is my use
ReplyDeleteI have the blue ones!
ReplyDeleteWho is this Anonymous?!?!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have a rare pink bow and arrow they would be willing to trade? I will trade 4 rares for it. My username is leaffeather120
ReplyDeleteI have 1 my username is GeraldFace55
DeleteYey! I sent a buddy request.
DeleteWow sombody traded a long spiked wristband for my raspberry bow O.o
ReplyDeleteI will trade u a collar for a raspberry bow. I'm Creativename123!
Deletei just got a rare bow from an adventure really happy
ReplyDeleteI have a raspberry bow and arrows I will take a beta wallpaper or beta flooring my username is Landeros12857
ReplyDeleteI got a rasberry bow jag me offers im heriosity
ReplyDeleteI will trade a spiked collar for raspberry bow! I'm Creativename123
Deletei have a rare green my use is amazing31877 if anyone wants to trade me
ReplyDeletewhat are black ones (rare) worth? i just got one from the return of the phantoms and i wanna fair trade 4 it
ReplyDeleteI have a brownish one, with the orange arrows. I just want a fair trade for it. I am a new jammer at the moment, but the use is HiddenRaresInFog. Buddy me if you have a trade for it.
ReplyDeleteI have black rare bow my user is seth44700
ReplyDeleteI have a raspberry bow and a silver bow! My username is cutiepie28289 if you have any offers! have an amazing day! :D
ReplyDeleteI got a raspberry bow for my purple one and from a really rare jammer
ReplyDeletei have a grey bow with red highlights! :D Any offers? Also a pink fox hat :P
ReplyDeletei have Rare Pink Bow and Arrows and Rare Black Bow and Arrows, Any offers? Im Salasprettylove :D
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanna trade for my NR pink Bow and Arrows? My den is unlocked at the moment, i'm Raichutuberaichu.
ReplyDeleteI have the pink bow if anyone wants to offer my aj user is leylapuppydog :)
ReplyDeleteI have an unwanted Raspberry Bow. My username is Ponysparkle3! If you want to trade send me a jam a gram saying 'I like your name!'
ReplyDeleteI have a raspberry colored rare bow and arrows and a blue colored rare bow and arrows. You can get rare bow and arrows from Return of the Phantoms Hard mode(that's where I got my two rare bow and arrows.)
ReplyDeletei have the green one, any offers? my user is either BloumoCat or RazorMoon19, i'm only a member on one so jag me. I will take at least 2 betas for it, one good and another one small. send me a buddy request and post on my jammer wall if its the non member one.
ReplyDeleteI have almost all the rare bows my username is smiggy.
ReplyDeleteI used to have all the rare bow colours...
ReplyDeleteTraded them for spikes. (4 each for a diamond long collar spike)
I've got a Orange one. What is that worth?
ReplyDeleteMy same question!
DeleteSo the Raspberry bow is the rarest? Sweet! I just traded
ReplyDeleteA Freedom Banner, RARE Jamaaliday boots, RARE Pigtails, and RARE vine anklet for it. I'm glad it was a fair trade.
- Saucy08
ReplyDeleteITS THE 4th RAREST!!! (any offers??) If you have any offers, send a list of the items (DONT SEND THE ACTUAL ITEMS) that you are willing to trade for it. I will say yes or no. PS... what items are the rare bows and arrows worth??? Someone said a purple and white headdress. Is that true???
Thank you so much! -Creativename123
PS check out my youtube channel called Creativename123
I have an orange! Wanna offer? I'm Skittles8420 !
ReplyDeletei have a silver bow and arrow and a raspberry one offers? im rasberryrose64 on aj
ReplyDeleteis an orange bow and arrow rarer than a gray and red bow